Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Another Packed House!

The touring members of the Chancel Choir take a photo in Granada before singing in Niguelas, Spain.

The little village of Niguelas, Spain is about 25 kilometers, or about 20 miles, southeast of Granada. The Iglesia San Bautista sits atop the village amid the quaint streets that criss cross the hill it is situated on. The streets are so small, the bus had to stop in a parking lot giving us a 10 to 15 minute walk up the back alleys where we performed tonight. And what a night it turned out to be. The church was crammed full to listen the Chancel Choir, so full many folks had to be turned away. The concert was part of "60festival," an international music tradition which has continued for 60 years in the Granada area, and the people of Niguelas couldn't have been more appreciative.

After the concert, we walked to the school grounds where it seemed the entire village turned out for a huge dinner to help raise funds for the school and to thank the visitors from Texas. The food was wonderful and it kept coming. Everything from ham sandwiches and olives as an appetizer, to shrimp, mussels and pork for the main course. The night couldn't have been better; very memorable indeed!

Earlier in the day we toured Alhambra, the muslim palace which was built in Granada that was later conquered by the spainiards in 1492. Of course all school children know it's the same year Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue and discovered America. One interesting fact, Ferdinand and Isabella were in such a great mood after defeating the Arabs, that when Columbus made his proposal, they gave their support, proving once again, timing has a lot to do with success. The palace and the gardens are wonderful place to visit. Interesting, it's referred to as the "8th Wonder of the World!" I guess that's a title the Astrodome isn't anymore.

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